Restored Home

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Dear Church, Let’s Bless Single Moms

Here at Restored Home, we are connecting with women every week who are walking the lonely road of marital betrayal, abandonment and unwanted divorce. This community is growing—and that is both devastating and beautiful.

Many of these women are also single moms. They are parenting alone in really difficult circumstances. 

And this Mother’s Day, we want to bless them. But we need your help!

As you know, we’ve been looking this month at the God who sees and looks after his people. He is El Roi, our God who sees. But He is also a God who is moved to action (see Genesis 16). He cares, pursues, invites near, provides, and welcomes. 

He sees and acts. Let’s model him this Mother’s Day! Let’s choose to see the mothers going it alone AND choose to bless them. Next week we are going to give you a really practical way to do this very thing. Join us as we seek to love and care for the single moms in this Restored Home community. Stay tuned for more details next week! 

Until then, will you pray for these moms and mums today? Pray for strength, energy, provision and joy. Pray for their church families to care for them well. Pray for their kids. 

And let’s pray for our community as we seek to bless these dear women. Pray that we will be stirred to action and generosity. Pray for joyful and cheerful givers. Ask the Lord how you can get involved. 

Let’s bless single moms this Mother’s Day! Get ready, get set, next week is go time!

(If you’re reading this and you’re like, I’m in! I don’t need to wait for details, sign me up! Yay! Thank you! Send us an email and we will add you to the list and send details next week! We praise God for you!)