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HE IS…The God Who Sometimes Says No

God is sovereign. This is a big, theological word that means God has the wisdom, strength and authority to carry out His plans. He is above, under, before, and behind all things. His decisions cannot be thwarted. In Isaiah 46:10, we see God saying,
“My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.”

This might be a scary thought if we also didn’t know that God is GOOD. He works all things together for those He loves, those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

These two truths coupled together mean that God has all power, wisdom and right to do what He wants. And what does He want? To do us good and to glorify His Name. What a magnificent thought!

But what about when God says no? We see it in His Word. David, Job, Paul and so many others heard a no from God. Yet, without a doubt, the most stunning picture in the Bible is Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Jesus prayed for God to take away the cup He was about to drink- a bloody death bearing the weight of God’s wrath to rescue sinners. He boldly asked God to stop what was about to happen.

And God’s response? He said no to His beloved Son, and that cosmic NO has altered the course of human history. God said no because He had planned something better—the rescue and redemption of those He loves.

We are called to pray, and in response God often says YES. But sometimes, we pray big, desperate prayers and God says no. He knows what’s best—and sometimes that’s hard to swallow, because what is best is sometimes: NO.

So what should we do when we hear no from God? Let’s follow the example of Jesus—

Pray and ask God for what you desire. Jesus asked for the cup to be removed. (Luke 22:42)

Submit your will to the will of your Good Father. “Yet, not my will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)

Pray for Jesus to be glorified in this no. (John 17: 1-5)

Endure the no God gives with your eyes set on the eternal joy set before you. This no, like every other God gives, is paving the way for something BETTER. (Hebrews 12:2)

God’s no is always (always) a grace gift. Even when it is hard to hear, we can trust His kindness, sovereignty and perfect love.