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HE IS…True

I was so deceived throughout the course of my marriage. There are two versions of my life. There is the life I was living that I very much thought was real. But it turned out there was another life happening under the surface and behind closed doors. And this life ended up being the truer story. For 15 years I lived a life I thought was true, real, secure. Then in an instant, my beautiful life began to crack. As the picture-perfect pieces fell away, what was unearthed was a tale of a girl who was never really loved, never really wanted. The twists and turns, the deceptions and secrets all rose to the surface. What used to feel so true suddenly felt like shifting quicksand below my feet. Suddenly everything felt unsure. I lost my footing and began to spiral. 

You see, deception ruins future trust. Every relationship was suddenly gripped with the talons of distrust. Nothing felt true. I walked around in a haze of suspicion. It tainted everything in my life.

But in the haze, I struck the Rock of Ages. He is unchanged and unchangeable (Mal 3:6). He is unmoved and unmoveable (Heb 6:19). He does not shift like passing shadows (Jas 1:17). He is secure and fixed; the same yesterday today and always (Heb 13:18). Oh friends, He is TRUE. His nature runs fixedly throughout the course of time and space. He is Truth incarnate (Jn 14:6). 

How my soul clung to him when I learned this truth! When every other ground felt unsteady, he alone was my hope and stay. He became the solid rock beneath my feet and taught me how to stand firm again. Psalm 18:36 says, “You make a spacious place beneath me for my steps, and my ankles do not give way.” This is my story. And it can be your story too. 

If deception has shaken your life and you feel unsteady no matter which way you turn, cling to your true and faithful God. He is a firm place to land. And in time, you will walk securely again. We can trust him because he does not shift, he does not change. His love for you will never, ever fail, give up or walk away. He is TRUE. It is all he can ever be. May our hearts rest in this broad and spacious place today.