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HE IS…Your Heart’s Strength and Eternal Portion

2022 has been a really hard year. Most mornings I’ve woken up feeling really emotionally fragile & vulnerable. My heart has been heavy over multiple losses I’ve endured this year. I can’t even tell you how much I see myself in Psalm 73. Asaph starts with this sentiment–I know God is good to His people…BUT AS FOR ME, I’M BARELY MAKING IT! My feet have almost slipped & I’ve nearly wandered away because when I look around, it seems like everyone else is living an easy life. I find myself envying the wicked who seem to have no trouble. They prosper, they enjoy life, they have no troubles. They are fat and happy in all the best ways.  It all seems so opposite of my story of enduring suffering and loss all while trying to remain faithful to the Lord. How is any of it fair?

Are you there too? Does it seem like everyone else has it easy while you suffer? What do you do when you wake up with a shattered, heavy heart? When life feels incredibly unfair, how do you battle your heart to believe truth?

• Remember that God is all you have & all you need. Who do we have in heaven besides God? Who on earth can actually hold us together, keep us from falling, satisfy our hearts, mend our brokenness? We have no one but God. And He is enough. He is strong. He is loving. He is near. He is willing.

• Be honest and confess your weakness. Call out to God with the words of this Psalm–God, my heart & flesh are failing! I’m not ok. I feel shattered, weak, envious, weary and broken. God already knows the state you’re in. There is no use hiding or acting like you’re fine. You’re not fine. Life is not fine. It’s hard and broken. 

• Remember & rest in the character of God. He is the strength of your heart. The very ties that are holding you together. The binding, keeping you from coming undone. He is your portion forever. He is enough for every need. Every ache, every hunger, every longing is met in your Daily Bread. He is sufficient. 

Cling to the great I AM. He is your heart’s strength, your eternal portion. As you cling, remember His grip on you is eternal. You are held together by this strong, sufficient God. Remind your heart to rest today–He really is enough.