HE IS…Feeder of Birds

Did you know there are an estimated 50-428 BILLION birds in the world*? And that’s just wild birds!

God feeds those birds. Day in and day out.

And if He is an abundant, watchful Feeder of birds, what must He be for you, His beloved daughter?

Aren’t you worth more than the birds? Yes. Very much so.

He is the God who provides. He gives daily bread for daily needs. You are safe running to His outstretched hands to meet all your needs. You don’t need to fret and worry that all the things will fall apart and you won’t have enough. He will never, ever tire of providing for you. His resources are endless. His love is eternal. His willingness abounds.

You are safe. He sees you. He knows your need. He will provide. He is Feeder of birds.


“Consider the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they?”


HE IS…The God Who Sometimes Says No


Do You Even Understand?