Dear Church, Help Rewrite “Father”

The Gospel of Jesus is good news. It speaks of a Father’s love that rescues and saves. As you share the Gospel, remember those who have a broken or complicated relationship with their earthly Dad. The gospel can feel like a pipe dream for those who are walking the lonely road of abandonment by their fathers.

Share the Gospel with tenderness. Remind betrayed wives and their kids that there is a Father in heaven who loves them perfectly. Who gives freely. Who will not harm or hurt. Who will never forsake. Share the gospel with gentle and careful words. Remind them that God is a safe Father.

Share the gospel with your lives. Invite them into your home to see a healthy (not aiming for perfect!) husband, a healthy father. Walk beside them through difficult seasons. Teach their kids a new skill. Welcome them in to your family devotions. Invite them to sit with you at church. Love them as the Father loves them. Help “fill in the gaps” left by an absent father. Be the hands and feet of our Heavenly Father, reaching out to embrace and shepherd them.

The Gospel is good news. The idea of “father” can be rewritten—even in the darkest situations. God is a perfect Father—point her, point them to Him. He is all they really need.


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