Dear Wife, God Will Perfectly Father Your Kids

I remember a moment, a few months after my husband left, where I was standing at the kitchen sink at 11pm washing dishes. I was exhausted. Like, more tired than I had ever been before. My teeth were gritted and bitterness washed over me as the water poured from the tap.

All I want is someone to parent with. Is that too much to ask for God? This all feels like way too much—this working full time/single parenting/breadwinning/grieving alongside my grieving kids. I can’t do it all. How will my daughters learn all the things? Who is going to guide and shepherd them while I wash dishes at 11pm? I can’t be BOTH Mom and Dad. It’s more than one person can bear.

I went to bed angry and plain over it all. It was too much pressure. TOO MUCH.

A few days later God brought me to this verse: “All your children shall be taught by the LORD…” (Isaiah 54:13). It brought me to tears. God will teach my children. He will be an active participant in their upbringing. He will be present in the day to day life—caring for me and caring for them. I was overcome as I read those verses. I actually wasn’t on my own. I didn’t have to be Mom AND Dad. I could rest and step back. It wasn’t on my shoulders alone. What a massive relief.

And the verse doesn’t end there. It goes on to give the most precious promise—words I’ve prayed over my daughters for the past 6 years—

“…and great shall be the peace of your children” (Isaiah 54:13).

They are going to be ok. And I’m going to be ok. I don’t have to hustle and strive to do the job of two. God has my girls. He will teach them, mentor them, lead them, care for them, protect them and shepherd them. And great will be their peace.

Dear Wife, God will perfectly father your children. You don't have to be Mom AND Dad. You are free to be Mom, and only Mom. God—our Everlasting Father—will take care of the rest.


I Was A Bride


HE IS…Everlasting Father