Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

Lamentations 3:21-24

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LAMENT, DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe LAMENT, DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Delicate Strength (Ode to Spring)

Why do the flowers come up in the spring? 

The ice isn’t finished, and the days are too short. The sun hides in the shadows of an early bedtime, and the frost graces the hill in the morning. And now, here they are, wildflowers pummelled by the rain. Such delicate beauty, thrashed by the storms. Is it weird to look at my window and feel sympathy for daffodils? Because I do. I can’t help myself. 

They thought it was safe to stretch up towards the sky. They opened themselves to the world around and were met by the harshness of winter’s remains…

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DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Dear Wounded & Angry Wife,

Some days are harder than others. There are times I wake up feeling so forgotten by God. Maybe I should rephrase that. I don’t feel like he’s forgotten ME–I know he loves me. But sometimes I feel like he has forgotten the wrongs done against me, or worse—maybe he’s even turned a blind eye to them? I live with deep wounds from the abandonment, betrayal, and rejection from my ex-husband.I still live with daily consequences of a shattered marriage. 

And some days it feels terribly unfair that all these wrongs haven’t been called to account. 

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The Grace of Unfulfilled Desires

Unfulfilled desires. We all have them. Your’s might look different than mine, but I have no doubt you share a similar heartsickness over the no’s you’ve received. Living in this world means living with desires that might be delayed or even left unmet. We were not made for this place. God has set eternity in our hearts and this world will just never live up (Ecclesiastes 3:11). 

So what do we do with these longings that ache within us? Where do we place the desires that will not let go of our hearts? 

It’s a question I’ve really struggled with…

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DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Dear Wife Who Has Trust Issues

God is not a man that he may lie, or a son of man that he might change his mind…
(Num 23:19)

I struggle with these words. 

You see, I have trust issues. I loved a man who lied and changed his mind and It made me question everyone in my life. Are they being honest? Will they leave too?

And when I look to God, it’s nearly impossible not to sling the same questions at him.  God, are you lying to me? Are you going to walk away too?

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Oh Weary Soul of Mine…

My soul, bless the Lord...
Oh weary soul of mine, choose today to bless the Lord. Choose to lift your cast-down gaze, your fatigue, your heaviness, and your grief to the Lord who is so near. Your heart will lighten as you praise. It makes no sense, but a sacred exchange happens in the heavenly places when you praise from the bottom of the pit. 

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DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Dear Wife, I’m Praying For You

I pray you will know that Jesus is your greatest Treasure. I pray that you will lay down your hurt, your anger, your grief and your questions and know that Jesus is enough. I pray you will lay down all your heart is running after to fill the broken places and know that Jesus is enough. I pray that you will look at your life, not through the lens of what you’ve lost, but what you’ve gained.

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DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Dear Anxious Wife

Rest came easy for me. I lived in a safe house. My finances were reliable. Plans were in place for retirement and my future. Sleep came easy because the patterns and rhythms of my life were normal and stable.

But with the breaking of my marriage came the loss of easy rest.

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DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Dear Wife Who’s Been Cast Aside,

Do you carry a story of rejection? Maybe it feels like there is a banner over your head declaring that you are UNWANTED, UNLOVED, REJECTED? Rejection carries tones of shame that cannot be covered over easily. It infects us, down to the very core.

Did you know you’re not alone?

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Ask Anything: Silent Friends

Some friends have gone silent and seem to be avoiding me & it hurts. Did this happen to you?

Oh, this is a hard one. Yes this happened to me, and yes it hurt. My heart is with you.

Here’s the thing—I truly believe that your friends are not trying to avoid or ignore you. My guess is they don’t know what to say or do—to the point that it’s paralyzed them and now they feel it’s too late, so they step back to avoid making things worse. 

How do I know? Well, this has been me before, and probably you too?

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Listen To Her Story, DEAR CHURCH, DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe Listen To Her Story, DEAR CHURCH, DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

An Invitation To Rest

Instead of checking off my spiritual to-do list all I could do was sip my tea, cry and long for rest. Unwanted divorce, solo parenting, betrayal, grief and unseen burdens weighed heavy rendering me exhausted—both physically and spiritually.

Single moms seem to carry a particular burden that often goes unrecognized—that of chronic decision fatigue and a need for rest. This weariness presents itself emotionally, physically and spiritually. This Mother’s Day we can offer true rest to single moms by being the body of Christ, lifting her eyes to Jesus Christ, the only One in whom true rest can be found.

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The Grace of Biblical Lament

We feel our weakness so deeply, don’t we? We need someone strong enough to bear the weight of it all. So, let’s pause in the messy in- between to welcome the grace of biblical lament into our lives. As we spend time reflecting on passages of lament in the Bible, we will push our hearts towards hope in the only One strong enough to bear the weight of such immense pain.

And hope sounds pretty good when life shatters, doesn’t it?

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Dear God Who Restores

You are the God of comfort. You look with compassion on my ruins.My life feels shattered (hopeless, even?)

But you are a God who takes deserts and wastelands and turns them into gardens like Eden. What a promise. 

So here I am—in the brokenness of my life, my story, my marriage, my family—asking you to take all of these shards and splintered pieces and make something beautiful. Use these ashes for your glory and my good. 

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DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Dear Wife Who Feels Shattered

Everything good and beautiful in my life crashed into a thousand pieces. I was brought very low. So low in fact, I lost all hope. Have you been there? I have a feeling maybe you have…

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