HE IS…Faithful in Love

I am the Queen of Wallowers. 

I often wake with melancholy clouds overhead. There is a phrase that plays over and over in my head; pinning me down to the very depths. I lay immobile, stuck in the pit. 


Over and over it plays, like a skipping record player. 

I mean, to be fair, I do have reason to believe those words. They were spoken over me by the one who vowed to love me forever. It makes sense that I would feel this way because it’s true.

Or at least partly. Maybe I should say, ONLY partly?

These dark thoughts threaten to take over my mind, like weeds in a garden. That thought—that I AM UNLOVED thought—threatens to cast itself near and far, all the way to Jesus. 

Jesus loves me this I know (but do I believe it?)

Does His love reach even to me? The UNLOVED one? If one man has chosen to stop loving, could it mean God has chosen the same? Do you see the darkness creeping at the edges? 

Oh, friend—have you been here too? Does the darkness swamp your heart sometimes?

Here’s where I have to fight my heart to believe truth. 

Yes, true, I was UNLOVED. But that’s not my whole story. 

You see, God IS love (1 Jn 4:8) And he has set his love on me. He demonstrates his love in that while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me (Rom 5:8). 1 John 4:9-10 says, “God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his one and only Son into the world so that we might live through him. Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son…”

In Christ, I am made new.

When the darkness creeps in, it’s time to fight the lies with the Truth. I am LOVED. This love was revealed in Jesus—his life, his death, his resurrection. When I start to wallow in UNLOVED, it’s time to cast my eyes to Jesus. In him, I see One who has loved me since before the foundations of the world. His love has pursued my heart. His love endures forever. His is a choosing, wanting, giving love. 

I am LOVED. That’s my true identity.

Will I fight to believe it?

Will you?


Dear Church, Faithfully Love Her


Dear Church, Help Restore Her