Dear Church, Faithfully Love Her

Let’s join in the sacred work of following abandoned wives with goodness, faithful love and mercy.

Instead of following with a trail of gossip…choose goodness.

Instead of following at a safe distance with silence and avoidance…choose faithful love.

Instead of following with judgement and pointed fingers…choose mercy.

Dear Church, let’s align ourselves with the work of Jesus, our Good Shepherd, and PURSUE. Let’s stay near on the heels of the hurting in our midst. Abandoned and divorced women naturally find themselves on the edges & fringes. Let’s bring them in and go about the work of Jesus, offering rest, care, provision, safety—FAITHFUL LOVE!

Most of all, let’s remind abandoned wives in our midst that while their homes may be broken, they have (or can have!) an eternal home with Jesus. Let’s remind them of the gospel, the good news, of a Shepherd who lays down His life for His flock. Point her heart to the Shepherd who will never leave or forsake, but instead will forever faithfully love. Call her mind to the provision and rest she can find in Him. 

Dear Church, remind abandoned women that her Shepherd is her Eternal Dwelling Place.

Home has been restored.

He offers welcome. He will never walk away or shut out. He offers a place at His table forevermore. 

What a beautiful, redemptive, sacred work the Church has before her. Let’s press on today…


Dear God Who Restores


HE IS…Faithful in Love