HE IS…Our Good Shepherd

Jesus is my Shepherd.
He says I have all that I need.
(PSALM 23:1)

But I struggle with that because when I look around, I walk away with a list of all the things I don’t have. 
Where does that list of unfulfilled longings fit when I lift my eyes to You?
I don’t like the answer I am confronted with.

I don’t have a husband. But I have Jesus, my Shepherd. 
Is He really enough?
Do I have all that I need?

I don’t have financial security. But I have Jesus, my Shepherd.
Is He really enough? 
Do I have all that I need?

I don’t have the life I wanted. But I have Jesus, my Shepherd.
Is He really enough?
Do I have all that I need?

When will I see that He is enough?
Will I lay down my list and rest in His enough-ness? 

He is taking accountability for me. He is taking care of me. And in return, He gives me rest. Rest from the striving and the wanting and the longing and the doing. 

He leads me beside quiet waters. That means I’m not alone, doesn’t it? He has taken my hand and is leading the way.

He renews my life. What HAS been is not THE end of my story. He is rebuilding, restoring, redeeming.

He’s leading me on right paths. Paths that will glorify Him as good.

Rest and care for me.
Glory for Him. 
Is He really enough?
Do I really have all that I need? 
It very much seems that I do.


Dear Wife In the Valley of Darkest Shadows


Dear Church, Commit to the Word