Dear Wife In the Valley of Darkest Shadows

This valley feels so desperately dark and scary, doesn’t it? You have been abandoned here. You feel worthless, rejected, utterly forsaken. The one who vowed to love you has walked away. And you are alone here. Alone in the valley of death’s shadow. Enemies lurk and taunt to the left and right. Fear of today, of tomorrow–it crushes in on you from every side. You have found yourself in the midst of deep darkness.

But Jesus is in the depths with you. He is your Shepherd. You have all that you need.

There is something uniquely sweet about the valley. You are hemmed in–below, above, and on each side by the presence of Jesus. He is gentle with valley travelers. He leads you to still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores your soul. He is concerned with your rest, your safety, your loneliness. You don’t have to fear because He is with you. You are not alone.

His rod wards off enemies, invaders, intruders. With it He protects you.

His staff draws you near when you begin to wander. With it He keeps you close– to comfort and care for you.

He prepares a table for you. An extravagant feast. He sustains, provides, lavishes. You have a place at His table and it is set for you. Communion and companionship can be found there. You have been invited near. A table is set, oil poured over you, your cup overflows. The Lord, Your Shepherd, is hospitable towards you. He delights in you. He rejoices over you. 

And all of this takes place in the valley. The valley of shadows transforms to the valley of blessing when your Shepherd, your Companion, your gracious Host walks beside you. You are not alone. You are extravagantly cared for. Even here in the valley of darkest shadows...


Dear Church, Join in This Sacred Work


HE IS…Our Good Shepherd