HE IS…The God Who Makes Himself Known

At Restored Home we believe in the God of the Bible. We believe there is one God, who exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is unchangeable in His holiness, justice, wisdom and love. We believe that He is a God who MAKES HIMSELF KNOWN! And around here, we see that as very GOOD NEWS (we will explain in a minute 😉).

So how does God want to be known? Well, here’s how He introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6-7:
“The LORD—the LORD is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished…” (head over and read Exodus 34 to see the full context!)

Here is what God wants us to know about Himself:
•He is LORD, Jehovah, Almighty God, strong and mighty.
•He is compassionate & gracious—He is merciful, kind, tender, full of grace. He is good.
•He is slow to anger, long-suffering, he delays judgement but is quick to show grace.
•He is abounding in steadfast, faithful love and truth. Unending waterfall-surge levels of faithful love and truth.
•He maintains unbreakable covenant, faithful love to a thousand generations. He is a faithful Husband who will never divorce.
•He forgives sin and rebellion. With Him is forgiveness and redemption in full (Psalm 130).
•He is just. He will not let the guilty go unpunished. He is a holy, just, truth-filled and fair Judge.

So why is it good news that He want us to know all of this about Him? It means that He is not a God far off. He comes in close. He makes the first introduction. He extends the first offer of relationship. He pursues. He takes the first step. He makes Himself known because He wants you to know Him! We will come to see in the weeks ahead that in Christ Jesus, all of this comes to perfect fulfilment!

We will continue to explore more names & characteristics of this God. But we have to start here with this very good news: He is THE GOD WHO MAKES HIMSELF KNOWN. Let’s press in to know Him today…


We Focus on God and Who He Is


Shattered // Chapter 1