We Focus on God and Who He Is

Bitterness comes incredibly easily doesn’t it? It is our natural response to hurt. Bitterness is a root that buries down deep and plants itself firmly in the soil of an aching heart. Over time, bitterness, as it is fed, becomes a towering tree that provides shade, allows us to sit under it, nursing our wounds. It’s covering shadows all we do, believe, speak. It is poison.

The bible is pretty clear that we need to actively fight to put off and kill bitterness (see Hebrews 12:14-15, Ephesians 4:31-32) One of our core values at Restored Home lies in our perspective. Have we been hurt, abandoned, betrayed? Yes. And while that pain may be our collective backdrop, like the scenery in a play—we choose not to let bitterness be a main character.

Restored Home chooses to focus on God, and Who HE IS, rather than our ex-husbands, and who they were not. You don’t need any more reasons to be bitter. We want to be very careful to help guard your hearts and minds. There are plenty of other accounts to follow out there where you can learn about narcissism, abuse, unfaithfulness, etc. And while we will certainly touch on those things—they will stay in the background. Our focus will be on GOD and all that HE IS. He is enough. We choose to lift our eyes up. We choose to actively fight bitterness by shifting our perspective on how truly loved, cared for and seen we actually are.


Dear Rejected Wife,


HE IS…The God Who Makes Himself Known