
Have you felt the desperation of not being listened to, of not being heard? It is a helpless feeling. When our voices are neglected, set aside as not worth hearing, met with aloofness or cruelty, shame starts to spread over us like an out-of-control vine—twisting and tangling and, in time, strangling our voices completely. When we are not heard, we begin to believe that there is no reason to speak. We retreat further and further inward and in time, lose ourselves completely. I know this shame far too well. It’s my marriage story and it’s a painful one.

Jesus said that our words come directly from our hearts (Luke 6:35). Our voices speak from the very center of our being. Our souls pour out speech. Our very personhood is demeaned when we are not heard.

So what should we do when we feel like God is not listening? Our prayers seem to be bouncing off the ceiling, unacknowledged, unheard. We start to feel desperate and wonder if we are worth hearing. Maybe God has more important things to do than to listen to our cries. Maybe it’s best to just shrink back and stop speaking.

Oh friends, let’s battle our hearts on this one. Let’s look to God’s Word to see His true character shine forth. He is a God who LISTENS. Let that settle over you for a bit. We know He is a God who speaks. And truly, He would have every right to stop there. But He not only speaks, He also listens. He hears.

He is a good Father who tells us to approach His throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16). His ears are open to our cries (1 Peter 3:12). Before we’ve even formed our words, God knows them (Psalm 139:4). He is near to those who call on Him (Psalm 145:18) And maybe best of all, He bends down to listen (Psalm 116:2)! Think of a loving father getting down on his knees before his child, face to face, eye to eye. What does that speak to the child? Value, worth, dignity. He hears you. He bends down to you. His ears are open to you when you cry, when you lament, when you grieve.

So our response?
I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. 
Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!
Psalm 116:1-2


Dear Heart,

