2,555 Days

2,555 DAYS.

Seven whole years.

Seven years since the worst day of my life.

Seven years raking through the pieces of a broken covenant.

Seven years sleeping alone.

Seven years solo parenting.

Seven years struggling with anger and bitterness.

Seven years of only one paycheck to make ends meet.

Seven years contemplating trust and betrayal.

Seven years of grief, questions, and doubts.

Seven years walking into church on our own.

Seven years asking, “Will we have enough?”

Seven years of tears in the night.

Seven years typed as a “broken home”.

Seven years of ashes.

All of this is true.

It is my story. I have felt every single one of these very hard days.

And yet, there is a bigger picture—

a truer story.

And it is so much better.

Seven years pursued by the Covenant Keeper who promises to never leave, never forsake (Deut 31:8).

Seven years knowing the safety and protection of One who watches over me—never sleeping, always singing (Ps 121, Zeph 3:17).

Seven years pointing them to a Father who loves them perfectly (1 Jn 3:1).

Seven years practicing forgiveness and mercy (Col 3:13).

Seven years of daily bread (Mat 6:11).

Seven years being eye-witness to One who has proven worthy of my utmost trust (Ps 33:4).

Seven years learning the Biblical grace of lament and learning what safe spaces look like (Ps 13).

Seven years walking out of church feeling cared for, known, loved, and seen (1 Thess 5:11).

Seven years of far more than enough. In every way enough (Phil 4:19).

Seven years of tears kept in his bottle. Precious to him as evidenced in his keeping and saving (Ps 56:8).

Seven years watching God restore home (Deut 33:27).

Seven years of so much beauty FROM these ashes (Is 61).

Oh gracious Father, redeem these hours, days, years. Redeem it all for your glory and for my good. Help me believe you have and you will.



When All Goes Dark (Guest Post at Risen Motherhood


Memorial Stones