Dear Church, Let’s Talk About Holidays

The women in your life who have walked through abandonment and divorce are probably really struggling at this time of year. Let’s choose to walk beside them this holiday season.

Those who are solo parenting are probably grieving the loss of time with their kids because of custody agreements. Invite them to spend an evening with your family while their kids are away. Bonus if they get to read your kids a story or make a holiday craft with them–I promise it will cheer her heart.

Her finances are probably incredibly tight as she navigates the loss of income often caused by divorce. Send her some money to buy presents for her kids. Pop a restaurant gift card in the mail so she can treat her family to a fun night out. Buy some groceries or provide a meal to loosen her grocery budget. Adopt her family with your church group and bless them on Christmas morning. Send her a spa gift card to enjoy after the holidays.

Take her kids shopping for their Mom. Provide some funds so they can pick out something special. Take them to stores of their choosing. Help them wrap, label and hide presents. 

Invite her to sit with you at church. She’s probably feeling extra lonely at this time of year.

Include her at your holiday table. Ask her if it would overwhelm her or make her feel better to provide a dish and go with that plan.

Join the sacred work of God in her life. Draw near to her in her grief. Help carry it. Tight fist hope for her. Point her to Jesus, her Hope made flesh. Weep with her when she weeps. Rejoice with her when she’s up to rejoicing.

Pray for her family every day. What could be more meaningful to her?

Remind her that God is Emmanuel and that He is with her by being His hands and feet. Help her decorate, clean her house, do her dishes, provide childcare, mow her grass. The simplest acts of service are the best gifts. 

Walk beside her every day of this season of grief. You don’t need answers or perfect words. Just show up. Check in. See her. Reach out. It will mean the world to her, promise!

(Part 3 of 3)


HE IS…God With Us


Dear Wife, Let’s Talk About Holidays