Dear Church, Remind Her of Christ Holding Her Together

What an abandoned woman needs the most—more than answers, more than practical help, more than companionship—is to be reminded that Jesus is truly strong enough and willing to hold her life together. She needs to know that He really is enough.

The best gift my friends, pastors, church leaders and family members have given me is patiently and humbly (over and over and over again) calling my mind to the truth that Christ is sufficient for all the burdens and needs I carry as an abandoned wife and single mom. I am often so quick to believe the lie of the enemy that we aren’t going to make it—that ALL THE THINGS are going to ruin us and everything is going to come undone. What I need most in those moments is to REMEMBER that Christ is enough.

But here’s the thing—that woman in your church who is walking through an unwanted divorce needs to hear this message in a gentle, humble and patient way. She needs to consistently hear stories of God’s faithfulness. She needs to be reminded by people who are continually showing up in her life. She doesn’t just need the words and the pat answers—she needs to see this lived out in your own life. So remind her by remembering yourself the goodness and faithfulness of Christ and then turning around and passing along the incredibly safe and good news that He truly is sufficient and is holding ALL THINGS TOGETHER.

REMEMBER the faithfulness of Christ in your own life and tell her the stories.
REMIND her that Christ will be faithful to her in all ways, on all her days.
WALK IT OUT BESIDE HER by continuing to show up—be a picture of faithfulness in her life.
Over and over and over again.


Choose // Chapter 3


Dear Wife, Let Go Of ALL The Things