Dear Wife, Let Go Of ALL The Things

If we really believe Jesus is holding all things together,
then we can let go of
all the things.

When life falls to pieces, our functional theology kicks in. We may say that we believe Jesus is holding all things together, but do we actually live that out in our daily lives? If the striking statement about Jesus we find in Colossians 1 is true (and here at Restored Home, we believe it is) then our lives should tell a story of how strong our Jesus is.

So often we feel like we need to be the ones holding it together. Life feels out of control and so we grasp at all the things to protect ourselves from more damage, more breaking. But we can choose today to let go. In fact, we need to let go. Here are three truths to dwell on today:

1. You are not strong enough to hold all the things together. Can I get an amen?
2. Your striving to hold together all the things will wear you out quickly.
3. Jesus is strong enough, AND also willing to hold all things together. He is glorified in our weakness. He is glorified in our need to let go of ALL THE THINGS.

John Piper said, “Suppose you are totally paralyzed and can do nothing for yourself but talk. And suppose a strong and reliable friend promised to live with you and do whatever you needed done. How could you glorify this friend if a stranger came to see you?
Would you glorify his generosity and strength by trying to get out of bed and carry him? No! You would say, “Friend, please come lift me up, and would you put a pillow behind me so I can look at my guest? And would you please put my glasses on for me?”
And so your visitor would learn from your requests that you are helpless and that your friend is strong and kind. You glorify your friend by needing him, and by asking him for help, and counting on him…As our strong and reliable friend— “I have called you friends” (John 15:15) — he promises to do for us, and through us, what we can’t do for ourselves…We get the help, He gets the glory.”

So let’s choose to let go of ALL THE THINGS today, being fully convinced that Jesus is both willing and strong enough to hold all things together. He has you. You can trust Him today.


Dear Church, Remind Her of Christ Holding Her Together


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