Dear Wife, God Has the Final Say About Your Value

Not only does our God have the final say on the timeline and boundaries of our suffering, but in a much more intimate sense, he has the final say about you. 

And here’s what he says, 
“…I have chosen you and have not rejected you.”
ISAIAH 41:9b

I have walked through the worst version of rejection—of the, 

Sometimes, I find it very (very) hard to believe God in this area of my life. There is a profound gashing of a soul that happens in rejection. When our very personhood and value are cast aside, it’s very hard to rewire our brains to believe that not everyone feels the same about us. It’s taken me eight years of daily time with Jesus, multiple rounds of counseling, seasons of medication, hard-fought effort, and loving family and friends around me to even scratch the surface. My default is to fall into a shame spiral of faulty belief. 

Maybe you too?

My journey has been hard. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to believing God is who he says he is and that he does what he says he will. He has the final say about me. So if he decides to choose and accept me, then the very reality of my life is actually this: 
I am chosen. 
I am not rejected. 

If the Lord of the universe has chosen to bring me near and not cast me aside, isn’t that such a bigger and better truth about me than what one measly man decided to proclaim over me? 

I say yes. 

And friend, it’s true of you too. You are not unloveable. You are SO loved. You are chosen—hand-picked, in fact. You are not disposable. You are valuable and wanted. 

I know it feels impossible to grasp but fight for belief in what is true. Fight with all your might. This one is worth the battle of belief. 

Our God has the final say. Nothing can or will ever change his mind about you. What a relief. You can rest yourself on this eternal stable ground. Amen. Maybe even a double amen this time!


Dear Church, Your Prayers Are A Gift


HE IS The One Who Has The Final Say