Dear Wife Who Feels Like a Burden

D E A R   W I F E ,

Within minutes of learning of my husband’s affair, my loved ones rushed to help. As my beautiful life shattered, they were there with me at the bottom of the pit, meeting practical, spiritual, and emotional needs. I was so grateful.

But my pride was at war within me. I wanted to be strong and self-sufficient. In truth, I couldn’t get through the day without help. As the months stretch on, I STILL need so much help, even after seven years.

Sometimes I lay awake at night feeling like such a massive burden to the people who love me. I feel so needy all the time. My friends and family have never begrudged helping me—ever. But it’s still a struggle to believe that I’m not a total drain on them. 

Maybe you feel this way too? 

I don’t have all the answers, but here are four things I’ve been pondering—

  • I feel so much joy when I get to serve, give, and help others. I feel the most “me” when I have opportunities to help the people I love. So maybe the people in my life feel this way too? Could it be that my needs become the fertile ground for them to experience joy

  • I am never a burden to God. His Word makes this clear. He feeds the birds and clothes the wildflowers. His love for me runs deep, so he loves to care for me. He owns the storehouses of heaven. He is a good Father. He is my Helper. His provision springs out of his heart of love—and that is an eternal well that will never run dry

  • One way to flip the narrative is to see this season as a classroom. My prayer is that I will come through my suffering as a more generous and servant-hearted person. As others treat me with dignity, serve me in love and bless me with generosity, may I learn and become more servant-hearted. As I accept help, I can pray for humility to grow and my pride to die. May this season bear much fruit in me!

  • Having nothing in my hands to give YET receiving undeserved kindness, provision and blessing echoes the gospel, doesn’t it? We come to Jesus with nothing—he gives everything. This season is an opportunity to point to the goodness of Christ. May Jesus be exalted in my weakness and need!

Could burden actually yield blessing?

Oh Lord, let it be…


Dear Church, Help and Embrace Her


HE IS…Our Helper