Dear Wife Who Feels Very Low

Have you been cast very low this year? 

Are you reading this from the lowest point in the valley or the bottom of the pit? 

(Hi friend, I’m here too.)

I found the very best news this week and I want to share it with you. Isaiah 56:15 says, 

For the High and Exalted One, who lives forever, whose name is holy, says this:

“I live in a high and holy place, and with the oppressed and lowly of spirit,

to revive the spirit of the lowly and revive the heart of the oppressed.”

There is so much comfort in these verses to rest our weary hearts upon. 

First, God is holy, exalted high and eternal. He is set apart and set above. He is eternally strong, eternally exalted. He lives in heaven and owns the resources of the universe. He is in control. He reigns supreme. 

And yet, while he makes his home in a high and holy place, he ALSO makes his home with the oppressed and lowly of spirit. 

When that realization settled over my heart this week, the tears started falling. 

God DESERVES the highest, most holy, most glorious home. And he has it—to the furthest degree!

Yet he also CHOOSES to dwell with the lowest of low—the oppressed and cast down. It’s hard to wrap our minds around this glorious truth about God! He truly is God of the lowly. 

And not only does he choose to dwell with the lowly, he sets out to work good for them. Isaiah 56 says he makes a home for the oppressed and low in spirit IN ORDER TO revive their spirits and hearts. His nearness is the balm that heals the weary, wounded heart. The refuge he builds is the safe place that restores the cast out and cast down. 

If you are very low today, take comfort in this truth about our God: he is high and holy, and yet his heart is towards you. He is your home. He desires to revive and restore your spirit and your heart. He is so good. He is so kind. He is God of the lowly. 


Memorial Stones


Four // Chapter 7