Dear Church, Embrace and Welcome

Abandonment is a cruel enemy. Just when you think you’ve laid it to rest, it rears its head again making “home” feel tentative and fragile, churning up loneliness yet again. 

And here’s the thing—when I feel lonely, the LAST place I want to be is with you, dear Church. But also—when I feel lonely, the BEST place for me to be is with you, dear Church. You are everything I need. You have become my home in the deepest sense of the word. You have built walls of support and protection around me. You’ve fed and clothed me, walked beside me, and held me up. You carry me to Jesus and tight-fist hope when it leaks from my heart. 

But sometimes I resent you because I wanted to experience those things from my husband, and not from you. He was supposed to play that role. But he chose to walk away, and so the job fell to you. Sometimes I feel shame for needing you so much. 

But here’s the thing. You’ve never resented me for needing you. You’ve stepped up and stepped in for me. You are so dear to me. Thank you for being my home. Thank you for the embrace and welcome. Thank you for saving me a seat and keeping the light on when I wander and close myself off to you. Thank you for being patient and gentle with my sorrow. Thank you for echoing Jesus, my Generous Host. You have given me a place to belong. When my home shattered, you stood firm. Thank you.

Please press on in this hard and sacred work. There are so many women like me and they need you so much too. But sometimes they struggle with resentment, fear and shame. In those moments, move towards them. Don’t wait for them to take the first steps. Open wide your doors, your homes, your hearts. Welcome them with the welcome of Jesus. Go after the one who is cast down and cast aside. Not sure how? Look to Jesus and learn from our Generous Host who walks beside, welcomes in, prepares a feast, and follows with steadfast love and goodness. Echo his tender steps in her valley. It means more than you could ever imagine. She will look back and know that she really does have an enduring home after all.


HE IS…Devoted to the Lonely


Dear Wife, You Are Not Home-Less