Dear Wife, You Are Not Home-Less

D E A R   W I F E ,

Five weeks after my husband’s unfaithfulness was exposed, I lost everything. First came my shattering, then came the great unravelling. Everything started to fall apart before my eyes. 

My husband was a pastor, so with news of his affair came a letter of resignation to the church. That led to our visas in Scotland being rescinded, which led to my dream home being boxed up, treasured items given away and sold, suitcases packed and one-way tickets purchased back to America.

I lost my home, my place of belonging, my church, my neighbours, my source of income, my place of ministry, my calling to the mission field, my dreams. My children lost their school, their friends, their stability. We had gone to Scotland full of joy, dreams, hope. And we returned to America with shame, grief, broken dreams and trauma.

HOME is my favorite word, my favorite concept. It has been since childhood. I love the idea of belonging, of knowing and being known. Of safety, security, familiarity, embrace. Home is unconditional love—even when at our worst, home continues to hope and draw in.

In one fell swoop, I lost HOME. The rug was pulled from my feet and I felt like a wanderer in the world. My husband had become my home in many ways, and his leaving turned everything upside down.

But here’s what I found—in the world, I was HOME-LESS—literally and emotionally. But in God, I found my ultimate HOME. He is the Refuge I turned to. He tucked me in close, under the shadow of His wings (Psalm 91). He knows me, fully and completely (Psalm 139). He loves no matter what (Romans 8). He is my Safe Place (Proverbs 18:10), my Provider (Matthew 6), my Friend (John 15). He brought me in from the cold and embraced me when every other home lay broken.

He is our perfect HOME. We can rest, fully known, fully loved, fully welcomed in. So click on the light, open the door and enjoy the comforts of HOME. He is our eternal Dwelling Place and underneath are the everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27).


Dear Church, Embrace and Welcome


HE IS…Generous Host