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HE IS…Devoted to the Lonely

There is a loneliness in betrayal and unwanted divorce that is hard to put into words. 

I belonged to someone. In the most intimate and profound sense, I was his, and he was mine. 

Until he was her’s and I was, well, no one’s. 

This level of loneliness cut to the deepest part of my soul. I was not only lonely, I was discarded—unwanted, unloved. Easy to leave behind. The ache of it still lingers all these years later. 

It hurts to love with all your might and then be tossed aside. Loneliness is fierce. It is a pain that takes over the heart, like ivy in an unkempt garden. We begin to see the world through its lens. Every interaction is tainted by it. Will they leave me too? Will they deem me not enough? 

I was flipping through my Bible one day and stumbled upon these words. I’m sure I’d read them a thousand times before, but this time was different.

“For my father and mother have forsaken me…”

My heart added husband. He had forsaken me. And I think the sentiment remains the same. The people who should have loved me, cared for me, and protected me the very most have walked away. They’ve given up and turned their back. They have discarded me. 

But that’s not where the verse ends. Yes, the very worst betrayal has happened. 

But God…

“...but the Lord will take me in.” (Ps 27:10)

My God will take me in. He is devoted to the lonely. 

Our God is not only near to the lonely and broken-hearted, he is devoted to them. From the beginning of time, we have a God who is active in the face of loneliness. He created a suitable mate for Adam when he was alone in the garden (Gen 2:20-23). He is the creator of families (Gen 2:24-25). He came down to dwell with his people in the tabernacle, the temple, and in flesh through his Son, Jesus. And now, his Church is a forever family for the lonely and cast out. 

There is a seat at the table for the lonely and discarded. God is not only near (and wow! He IS near!), he is active towards the lonely. He has a plan to enfold and take in. He is devoted to the lonely. May our weary hearts rest in his care today.