Restored Home

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HE IS…Generous Host

Psalm 23 is famous for its depiction of the Lord as our Shepherd. We see him protecting, providing for and leading his sheep. This is a precious picture of God and his tender care for his people.

But tucked inside Psalm 23 is another picture of God that is often overlooked. In verses 5 and 6 we see him as our Generous Host. There is a shift in the point of view from the third person voice (The Lord, He) to the second person (you). This signals intimacy as the writer begins speaking to the Lord instead of only about him. We also see a change of scene from outside (stream, pasture, valley) to inside a home, around a table. Here we see a Host who takes on the apron of service and prepares a feast for his guest. 

The Lord is our Generous Host, bending down to serve and welcome. This is a stunning picture of God! He is intimately caring for the needs of his guest. We see his lavish provision of a feast prepared. We see abundance. We also see this feast happening in the presence of enemies. That tells us that our God is stronger than his enemies! The battle has been won, they are no longer a threat. It is almost humorous to see the Host unbothered by those who previously posed a threat. Our Generous Host is stronger than any enemy that threatens. So much so, he calls us to recline at table with him in their very presence.

The enemy has been subdued.

A feast has been laid.

And we are summoned to sit and enjoy.

Earlier in the Psalm, we see an invitation to rest by quiet streams. Here in verse 5, we see another picture of rest in the midst of danger and threat. We are brought near, welcomed at the table, and served with the most lavish of fare. There is no shame here, no whispers, no second-class—only welcome. We are invited near and welcomed in. What a gift we’ve been given!

This is a table of abundance. My life is not a picture of scarcity and lack. I have been treated lavishly by my Generous Host. He has invited me to a feast. The psalmist uses language of extravagance here. What a beautiful picture of the grace we’ve been shown in God’s welcome!

And that’s not all! Verse 6 shows our God, full of goodness and faithful love pursuing us, wooing us even! His plan for the rest of our days is to pursue us with faithful, covenant, Hesed love. Love that will not give up, walk away, betray, or abandon. 

Our Generous Host goes even further. He becomes our Home, our eternal dwelling place. Not only are we seated at his table, but we are also invited into his family, given a permanent seat, and a forever status of welcome. I have an eternal dwelling place with One who has entered into covenant with me. I am not homeless. I am brought near and taken in by my Gracious and Generous Host. He is my Restored Home, and for all my days, I am welcome to recline and feast at his table. What a good God he is!