Oh Weary Soul of Mine…


My soul, bless the Lord...
Oh weary soul of mine, choose today to bless the Lord. Choose to lift your cast-down gaze, your fatigue, your heaviness, and your grief to the Lord who is so near. Your heart will lighten as you praise. It makes no sense, but a sacred exchange happens in the heavenly places when you praise from the bottom of the pit. 

...and all that is within me, bless his holy name...
Oh weary soul of mine, remember that he is so very different. He is holy, holy, holy. He is worthy of worship, blessing, honor, and glory. Praise him with whole-hearted devotion. Clear the cobwebs, fight the cynicism, stand in awe again and bless his name. 

...My soul, bless the Lord,
and do not forget all his benefits...
Oh weary soul of mine, he has been so very good to you. He has cared for you as a husband cares for a wife. He has provided for you. He has given daily bread. He has protected you under the shadow of his wing. Bless him for all his goodness and care.  

...He forgives all your iniquity;
he heals all your diseases...
Oh weary soul of mine, remember the forgiveness you have received, washing you white as snow. He heals spiritual, physical, and emotional wounds. He is quick to care and abundant in nature. 

...He redeems your life from the Pit;
he crowns you with faithful love and compassion...
Oh weary soul of mine, you have been redeemed. In salvation, you have been pulled from the pit and set on the Everlasting Rock. You have been pardoned and set on a new path. Through the valley of suffering, your grief and pain find purpose and value. He is the Lord of full redemption, steadfast love and comfort. He is compassionate and loves you freely. 

...He satisfies you with good things;
your youth is renewed like the eagle...
Oh weary soul of mine, you will only ever be satisfied in the Lord. He alone can fill you up and sustain you. He alone can renew your strength, your perseverance, your joy, your hope. Feast on his Word–it is sweeter than honey. Treasure Christ and you will never lack any good thing. 

Bless the Lord, oh my weary soul.


HE IS The One Who Has The Final Say


Dear Church, Treasure Christ Together