Dear Church, Be Devoted to the Lonely
D E A R C H U R C H ,
Across time, our God has been devoted to the lonely.
God has set out the most intricate and precious plan for his people so they will never be alone. The local church is God’s good gift to believers—especially lonely ones! His Word speaks about the church in three ways that directly impact the lonely: the church as a family, a body & a building.
Through Jesus, we have been adopted into the family of God (Rom 8, Eph 1-2). We’ve been brought into the loving embrace and provision of a perfect Father, whom we have the right to call, Abba (Rom 8). We have a faithful Brother, Jesus, our co-heir in the kingdom (Heb 2, Rom 8, Mk 3). Every believer is a brother or sister in this family (1 Jn 3, Eph 2). We, the church, make up the family of God. We are welcomed & brought home. There is room at the table for the lonely one.
The church is the very body of Christ, at work for the glory of God (1 Cor 12, Rom 12, Eph 4). Each part of the body has value and purpose. We are united to one another, with Christ as our Head (Col 1). If one member suffers, all suffer (I Cor 12). There are no spare or useless parts in the body, but each member supports and upholds the other (Col 2, 1 Cor 12). The lonely one can look to her side & see that she is indeed connected & valuable in the body of Christ.
Finally, the church is a building, made up of living stones (1 Pet 2). We may be rejected by people, but we have been lovingly chosen & fitted into the house that Christ is building. He is working to strengthen & unify each stone—each generation built so strong, even the gates of hell cannot trample (Matt 16). Lonely one, you are a vital piece of living stone. There is a place for you in this building. Your cornerstone is secure & your purpose is set forth—you are being built into a royal priesthood—united together for the glory of God (1 Pet 2).
Dear Church, what a precious gift you are to the lonely wife in your midst. Remind her today that she has a place, a purpose, a value, a welcome that stands for all eternity.