Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

Lamentations 3:21-24

Welcome to the Restored Home Blog

HE IS Rachel Setliffe HE IS Rachel Setliffe

HE IS…Feeder of Birds

God feeds those birds. Day in and day out.

And if He is an abundant, watchful Feeder of birds, what must He be for you, His beloved daughter?

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lent devotional, LAMENT Rachel Setliffe lent devotional, LAMENT Rachel Setliffe

Between Ashes & Beauty

Lent just seems like the right time to admit that everything feels a bit broken. It seems like the perfect time to remind ourselves that while, yes, everything is dark and shattered, IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE SO.

Join us as we learn to welcome biblical lament into our lives. We pray it stirs up fresh, raw hope within you in the days to come.

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HE IS Rachel Setliffe HE IS Rachel Setliffe

HE IS…Abounding In Love

Your husband may have walked away, broken your covenant, hurt you, discarded your marriage vows. That might be true. But the bigger and more real truth is that today if you are in Christ, you are loved by a God who pours out covenant-keeping love in eternal and lavish ways. You are not unloved.

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MY STORY Rachel Setliffe MY STORY Rachel Setliffe

Choose // Chapter 3


That's the only word that I could force out. There was no time to think about how I felt about God in that moment. I’m sure I wasn’t feeling very loved by Him as those tears ravaged my body—how could I when my life had shattered only hours before. I did not preface that cry with praise or adoration. I didn’t clean up my heart before Him first. I just cried out—like a child lost in the waves, tumbling, smashing against the sea floor—completely and utterly desperate:

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HE IS Rachel Setliffe HE IS Rachel Setliffe

HE IS…Our Home

Five weeks after my husband’s unfaithfulness was exposed, I lost everything. First came my shattering, then came the great unraveling. Everything started to fall apart before my eyes.

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DEAR CHURCH Rachel Setliffe DEAR CHURCH Rachel Setliffe

Dear Church, Embrace Her

In cases of divorce in the church, you and I will likely be in that position—the 99% that is looking on. How should we handle that? DEAR CHURCH…EMBRACE. Love from where you are.

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MY STORY Rachel Setliffe MY STORY Rachel Setliffe

Darkness // Chapter 2

My eyes were heavy from crying, dark circles haunted my face. I had to pull myself together--if only for 15 minutes. I couldn't come undone. Not yet…I felt like a white washed tomb. Painted and presentable on the outside. Inside? Death. Hollow death.

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DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe DEAR WIFE Rachel Setliffe

Dear Rejected Wife,

Do you carry a story of rejection? Maybe it feels like there is a banner over your head declaring that you are UNWANTED, UNLOVED, REJECTED? Rejection carries tones of shame that cannot be covered over easily. It infects us, down to the very core.

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