Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
Lamentations 3:21-24
Welcome to the Restored Home Blog
Dear Church, Be Devoted to the Lonely
God has set out the most intricate and precious plan for his people so they will never be alone. The local church is God’s good gift to believers—especially lonely ones! His Word speaks about the church in three ways that directly impact the lonely: the church as a family, a body & a building.
Dear Church, Embrace and Welcome
Don’t wait for them to take the first steps. Open wide your doors, your homes, your hearts. Welcome them with the welcome of Jesus. Go after the one who is cast down and cast aside.
Listen To Her Story (Guest Post by Katie Sherrill)
I sat alone in an elementary school parking lot on Mother’s Day.
I didn’t get a break, flowers, or a nice breakfast in bed. What I did receive, was a loving text from my small group leader, lamenting with me over the state of my marriage. She gave me what my soul was actually craving. She offered me gospel truth and encouragement. She reminded me that Mother’s Day is first, and foremost, the Lord’s Day. I am commanded to rejoice in Jesus, regardless if someone else is celebrating me. This wise saint helped me look upward to the cross and take my eyes off myself.
Dear Church, Let’s Bless Single Moms
Here at Restored Home, we are connecting with women every week who are walking the lonely road of marital betrayal, abandonment and unwanted divorce. This community is growing—and that is both devastating and beautiful.Many of these women are also single moms. They are parenting alone in really difficult circumstances. And this Mother’s Day, we want to bless them. But we need your help!
Only One (Guest Post at Risen Motherhood)
Tears burned my eyes. I was angry and desperately sad. How does a father abandon his family? It feels like the very worst of crimes. My mind raced as jumbled prayers spilled from my mouth. “Lord, will my daughters survive this breaking of our home? How will they come to understand that you are so very different? Can they separate in their hearts a father who leaves and a Father who stays?” ** READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON RISEN MOTHERHOOD…
6 years after Mom died, my world completely shattered again as my husband’s unfaithfulness came to light. I walked through horrific betrayal, abandonment and unwanted divorce. My life, my home, and my heart were impossibly broken.
There have been many days over the last 6 years where I have questioned God’s goodness in my Mom’s homegoing. My pain has been so immense as I’ve walked through the darkest days of my own life.
Dear Church, She Needs the Full Counsel of God’s Word
The abandoned wives in your community have experienced the trust-destroying damage of unkept promises. The ground beneath her feet feels shaky as she questions who to trust. The most life-giving gift to give her is the full counsel of Scripture.
Dear Church, Step Near
Dear Church, we are called to step in towards people. To live incarnationally--the hands and feet of Jesus reaching out to the broken in our midst. We are not to exalt ourselves but rather, humble ourselves before others.
Dear Church, Let’s Talk About Holidays
The women in your life who have walked through abandonment and divorce are probably really struggling at this time of year. Let’s choose to walk beside them this holiday season.
Dear Church, You Are Vitally Important
Her heart will begin to beat with refreshed hope as the Body calls her to fix her eyes on Jesus and to keep running. As the Church comes beside her to lift her weary arms and help bear the burdens she carries she will begin to heal. Dear Church, you are such a vitally important part of her healing journey.
Dear Church, Follow Her With Goodness & Mercy
Let’s join in the sacred work of following abandoned wives with goodness, faithful love and mercy.
Dear Church, Help Rewrite “Father”
The Gospel is good news. The idea of “father” can be rewritten—even in the darkest situations. God is a perfect Father—point her, point them to Him. He is all they really need.
I Was A Bride
I wore white. I entered into a sacred covenant. I became part of a new family. I feasted and celebrated a bright future.
I’m no longer her, but a Bride I still am.
It’s About Beauty From Ashes
If you hang around here long, you’re going to hear “it’s about beauty from ashes…” So what does that actually mean and what are we implying?
Dear Church, Gently Remind Her
Dear Church, these abandoned women have likely heard really (really!) difficult no’s from God. And that is a hard place to walk. She is likely very weary. And probably very wary too. In all gentleness and love, remind her of the goodness of God.
Dear Church, Remind Her of Christ Holding Her Together
What an abandoned woman needs the most—more than answers, more than practical help, more than companionship—is to be reminded that Jesus is truly strong enough and willing to hold her life together. She needs to know that He really is enough.
Dear Church, Embrace Her
In cases of divorce in the church, you and I will likely be in that position—the 99% that is looking on. How should we handle that? DEAR CHURCH…EMBRACE. Love from where you are.
We Focus on God and Who He Is
Restored Home chooses to focus on God, and Who HE IS, rather than our ex-husbands, and who they were not. You don’t need any more reasons to be bitter. We want to be very careful to help guard your hearts and minds.